Professional Profile
Being a generalist by nature Bastiaan decided to focus most of his professional attention and work on consulting clients on positioning, branding, innovation and marketing strategy. Bastiaan also has over twenty years of experience as a creative brainstorm facilitator.
Roos & van de Werk is a highly successful marketing and communications consultancy based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. A team of talented professionals from very diverse backgrounds is serving a very broad range of clients. Roos & van de Werk helps brands and businesses grow. Our activities focus mainly on positioning, branding, identity marketing & communication strategy as well the creation of new business ideas.
This blog is Bastiaan’s effort to share some of his expertise and over twelve years of experience on positioning, business strategy, creativity and innovation.
Bastiaan is on linked-in and twitter.
Personal Profile
First and foremost Bastiaan is absolutely passionate about his two adorable kids and his beautiful wife. He likes to travel far and wide and discover exotic parts of the world.
Bastiaan routinely pretends to speak about a handful of foreign languages. He usually learns to say ‘Can I eat this?’ in a language so he can sample as much of the local cuisine as possible. When there is water nearby Bastiaan sometimes jumps in for some scuba diving.
Bastiaan owns more Apple stuff that most of us could care to shake a stick at and his tiny kitchen sports about seven nine different kinds of olive oil. Bastiaan drives a not-so-fancy tiny car.
At home he prefers to spend his time with his wife and son and beautiful little daughter or thumb through the occasional book on popular science, marketing, art, history or deadly dinosaurs. Most of the gazillion books he’s got go unread. He also enjoys playing and winning strategic computer games.
Ha Bastiaan,
I’m enjoying your posts a lot. The one of the mp3’s – soo true. Then the virtual world – I would love to be a musician out there. And make my 2.0 me play great music for anybody passing by. So much more then just posting some music on youtube or soundclick or however really giving the input (concert) from my studio and having my avatar performing – he would look just like me however doesnt need to take care of his diet !
All the best, looking forward to be seeing you again soon.
Hi Joshua,
Thanks for stopping by!
I take you’re talking about this post of mine? You might also want to read this one which covers some of the same issues. I really think it’s time for the music industry (and in some cases musicians too) to shape up and start looking ahead instead trying to preserve last century’s market mechanisms.
For those who don’t know Joshua – he co-founded a great company called Art in Rhythm. Art in Rhythm uses music as a powerful metaphor to stage great experiences for corporate clients and other groups. Instead trying to stop people from copying his music, Joshua actually gives his CD’s away (amongst other musical goodies) to his clients for free. It’s a great way to give them something special to remember their impressive performances and workshops by.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Great website! hope we can work together one day!
Hi Michael,
grazzie for stopping by and leaving a message. I’m terribly sorry for the late response. I should have that fixed. 😉 is a great looking site. Interesting stuff!
Hi Bastiaan! Thank you for inspirational remarks last Saturday! It was really helpful to get a new view/perspective of my business! 🙂 By the way, you do great skech! I saw the note you left behind. hehehe…going to keep them.
All the best!
謝謝 for inviting me Nan! I always doodle when I pretend to think. 😉 The food and the atmosphere were great (again!)
Hee, Bas. lang geleden is het. 1978 mijn afstuderen aan de kunstacademie. De belevingswereld van de bromfietser. Foto’s, video en de teksten van je vader. Geniaal. Heb zojuist weer de audio beluisterd.
Laar me weten hoe het met je gaat. Herbieuw ons kontakt. Un abrazo van uit San Rafael, Argentinie.