During the 50s Noah and Joseph mcVicker ran a factory that produced a whitish goo. Continue reading “Not Supposed to Do That”
Contagious Creativity
Great ideas are contagious. They jump from person to person and spread. Continue reading “Contagious Creativity”
Pirates Kill Music Dead
‘Drastic action needs to be taken in order to save the Spanish music industry.” A grave warning by a stern faced Rob Wells (Universal Music Group). Continue reading “Pirates Kill Music Dead”
Conservatism Kills Innovation
Some 100.000 to 30.000 years ago humans already dominated most of Europe and the Near East. These people gathered roots and fruits and excelled at hunting large animals. Continue reading “Conservatism Kills Innovation”
People parroting the popular claim that we only use 10% of our brain probably speak for themselves. We use all of our brain – fully. Well, at least most of us do. Continue reading “Brainpower!”
Stop the Bibliophiles
“At what age should you buy your kids their first computer?”
Continue reading “Stop the Bibliophiles”